Assignemnt #118 and ArmstrongNumbers


  /// Name: Marco Correa
  /// Period: 5
  /// Program Name: ArmstrongNumbers
  /// File Name:
  /// Date Finished: 4/21/2016

  public class ArmstrongNumbers
	  public static void main( String[] args )
		  for ( int hundreds = 1; hundreds < 10; hundreds++ )
			  for ( int tens = 0; tens < 10; tens++ )
				  for ( int ones = 0; ones < 10; ones++ )
					  if ( (Math.pow(hundreds, 3) + Math.pow(tens, 3) + Math.pow(ones, 3)) == ( (hundreds * 100) + (tens * 10) + ones) ) 
						  System.out.println( ((hundreds * 100) + (tens * 10) + ones) );


Picture of the output

Assignment 118