Assignemnt #39 and A Little Quiz


  /// Name: Marco Correa
  /// Period: 5
  /// Program Name: A Little Quiz
  /// File Name:
  /// Date Finished: 10/21/2015

  import java.util.Scanner;

  public class AlittleQuiz{

      public static void main (String[] args){

          Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
          int totalCorrect =0;

          System.out.print("Are you ready for a quiz? ");
          System.out.println("Okay, here it comes!");

          System.out.println("\nQ1) What is the capital of Alaska?" +
                  "\r\n     1)Melbourne" +
                  "\r\n     2)Anchorage" +
                  "\r\n     3)Juneau");
          int answer = keyboard.nextInt();
          if (answer ==3){
              System.out.println("\nThat's right!");
              System.out.println("\nIncorrect :(");

          System.out.print("\nQ2) Can you store the value \"cat\" in a variable of type int?" +
                  "\r\n     1)yes" +
                  "\r\n     2)no");
          answer = keyboard.nextInt();
          if (answer == 2){
              System.out.println("\nThat's right!");
              System.out.println("\nIncorrect :(");

          System.out.print("\nQ3) What is the result of 9+6/3?" +
                  "\r\n   1)5" +
                  "\r\n   2)11" +
                  "\r\n   3)15/3");
          answer = keyboard.nextInt();
          if (answer == 1){
              System.out.println("\nThat's right!");
              System.out.println("\nIncorrect :(");

          System.out.println("\r\n\r\nOverall, you got "+ totalCorrect +" out of 3 correct");

Picture of the output

Assignment 39